Jan 7, 2019 | Blog
As I am sure everyone is aware we are in a new year, we have all seen the hashtags, the health promotions, gym membership adds and charity campaigns. We are all supposed to use this month to turn over a new leaf or change something faulty in our lives. Well not for...
Sep 2, 2018 | Blog
Every time I want to sit and write about my experiences or about a topic I find interesting I get torn, do I write it as a counsellor, a life coach or just me? I think that is a problem many of us face when we write as a professional on our blogs, we forget that first...
Aug 11, 2018 | Blog
Ever felt like a caterpillar struggling inside it’s chrysalis waiting to break through and emerge as a butterfly, but scared when you emerge you are just going to turn into a dull moth burning your wings against the bright lights? My guess is we all have had doubts at...
Apr 2, 2018 | Blog
Social anxiety is not being shy, it is not being an introvert and it is not being anti-social. Social anxiety is an increased painful feeling of anxiousness and worry that often produces physical symptoms like shaking, sweating, feeling dizzy or faint, being frozen to...
Apr 1, 2018 | Blog
We are now, if you have been practicing, getting used to the idea that we are people with value. There are parts of us we like, that make us smile and we are beginning to accept the parts we do not like so much but that are all a part of making us, us. Hopefully you...
Mar 25, 2018 | Blog
My white boards are full of drawings, arrows, references to many books written by great academic minds and quotes by philosophers, poets and artists, I have enough material to write several books and all in just a few days. My goal was to reduce all these findings...